Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Day 1 of morning protein and yerba mate shake instead of coffee

This morning's recipe:
1/2 cup frozen strawberries
5 ice cubes
1 serving vanilla soy protein powder
cap full of vanilla sugar free flavoring
2 squirts of agave nectar
1/2 cup strong hot yerba mate tea, made from 2 tbsp loose tea leaves

I made the mistake of putting the strawberries in first with the powder right on top, so when I poured everything out at the end, all of the protein was stuck at the bottom.  I moved it with a spoon and ended up re-blending it, and it was alright.  It didn't taste that great, had chunks of protein, and seemed watery.  I stopped at the grocery store between jobs today and got some xantham gum and hazelnut milk.  The hazelnut milk should give it a less watery taste, especially if I can reduce the amount of water needed to brew the mate.  The xantham gum will emulsify and thicken the shake.  I think I will leave out the ice, too.  The frozen strawberries already make it cold.  I'll keep experimenting until I figure out something.

Somehow, this shake did get me through my first job with a sufficient amount of caffeine, but when I got out, I was starving!  I never get hungry before noon now.  I might actually have to start packing a breakfast if I can't figure out how to make this shake more filling.

I haven't been able to work on spinning since Sunday.  Every night I've been exhausted.  I'm still adjusting to getting up at 6am.  I'm working until anywhere from 6 to 8 today, and then after the half hour commute back, it will be time to shower and sleep.  Maybe I'll fit in a little tomorrow after work.  Friday, I'm going hiking with Jon's cousin after the first job because I don't have the second job that day.

At least the weather is nice!

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