Thursday, April 21, 2011

Migraine Day

There's a migraine coming on.  I can feel it starting.  I just took some ibuprofen, so hopefully that will keep me going until I get home and can sleep it off.

The kids are asleep, so I have a little time to myself.  I decided to watch the pilot episode of Glee.  I've never watched it before, but its a popular show, so I figured that I would give it a try...mostly because Top Chef is over, Doctor Who hasn't started yet, and I need another distraction.

By the way, Doctor Who's new season starts this Saturday.  Its not David Tennant, but its still amazing.

I also have a Dalek filled with bath soap and a Tardis ice box.  The Dalek did melt a little bit when I left it for a few weeks in my car that had died...Be jealous. 

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