Monday, April 18, 2011

First blog since college! Apr 13th, 2011 10:33am

I decided to start a blog, because my life is sometimes interesting.  And I like procrastinating.  Today is rainy and cold, and I don't have to work until the afternoon.  I have bread rising.  I have a skein of grey yarn that is almost dried from being set a few days ago that I might dye in the crock pot today.  I'm trying to think up some spring colors from the stash of kool-aid that I have that will overdye on the grey wool.  Pictures to follow.
Other projects for today include:
-getting the bread in the oven and out before leaving for work at 2
-finishing up at least one bobbin of mohair/wool/silk fiber
-going over the stack of coupons from my future-mother-in-law
-remembering to actually drink my coffee

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