Monday, March 5, 2012

Homemade pop tarts - updated

Monday is here again, and we are running out of bread.  Baking day!  I'm not terribly motivated right now, but I hope that some baking will raise my spirits and block out the world for a little bit.

The apple pie that I made on Friday was pretty much a success- I used granulated maple sugar instead of white, and I never want to go back.  Gooey-mapley-goodness.  The only problem I had was that my bottom crust was too thin, so the filling leaked and stuck to the bottom a little bit.  The pieces didn't cut well, but it tasted so good that no one cared!  Three days later, and it is gone.  Jon and I love pie for breakfast (pie-breakfast), and after it was gone, he requested that I make something else that had pastry for breakfast.  After sleeping on it, I realized, I can make pop tarts!  They sound super easy, can be eaten on the go without toasting, and I can put whatever I want in my jam, or nutella....I'm about to start baking, and hopefully they will look nice enough to take some pictures later.

The kits are not taking to litter training as fast as I want them to...and with continuous sinus headache from being in my own apartment (mold + Mary = ughhhhhhhhhhh *sticks head into couch cushion*), I've given up for the moment and just filled their entire cage floor with litter and hay.  I'll deal with that later, but at least they will get used to going in litter and won't be sitting in urine outside the box.  I've been using way too many paper towels on this.

I need to get moving.  My goals of bread and pop tarts for the day are quite minimal, so I'm hoping that either this coffee will kick in, or the excitement of baking will wake me up.  Time to go grind some flax seeds.


I decided that to get the healthier version that I wanted, but with the ingredients that I had, that I needed to mix a few recipes together.  Here is the recipe that I am using, from both Smitten Kitchen and Peas and Thank You:

1 cup whole wheat flour
1/2 cup a.p. flour
2 t. baking powder
1/2 t. sea salt
1/4 cup butter
1/3 cup agave nectar
1 t. vanilla

Filled with: homemade peach jam
No frosting.

I blended the flours, baking powder, and salt, and cut in the butter (If you want to go vegan, use the coconut oil or something like it, like recommended by Peas and Thank You).  I then put in the nectar and vanilla, and enough water to make the consistency of a pie crust.  After that, I followed the recipe written by Peas and Thank You, except I didn't chill the dough.  My kitchen is warm, but I have very little patience.  A marble rolling pin helps, though, with keeping the dough in line.  I had a little trouble keeping the perfect rectangle shape, so I just rolled it out and cut it with a knife to get the shapes that I needed.  I also only ended up with five.

The bread dough is rising now.  I used granulated maple when I proofed the yeast, and molasses instead of brown sugar, and butter.

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