Sunday, February 19, 2012

Granulated maple sugar

I did it.  I made granulated maple sugar.  Boy was it a lot more difficult than I thought!  The maple syrup took forever to get to the right temperature, and then the temp. went up way too much, but we caught it before it scorched or caught on fire...which the directions warned me that it could do.  It formed a lot more clumps than I expected after the last of the steam escaped, and it tastes a little different than I thought, too.  I still need to run it through a sifter, and use a mortar and pestle for some of the larger pieces.  Next time I will be a lot more confident about what needs to be done and when.  The biggest test will be to see how well this sugar works in baking and even how it tastes in coffee.  If all goes well, I might need to get myself a tap and a bucket and start making my own syrup so I have enough keep this up!

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