Saturday, May 26, 2012

Sheep shearing and gardening

I finally have a quiet moment to gather my thoughts!  Fresh milk bread is rising (Laurel's Kitchen Bread Book).  I am experimenting with a new way to incubate yogurt that does not take up my oven and require me constantly checking the temperature:

(Heating pad on high covered with towel, mason jar with candy thermometer inside some water that was 110 F when I started, and then covered with towels)

After 1 hour, it is now at 106 F, which is decent.  If it doesn't go below 95 F after 4, this will be my new method!  The heating pad is also a cheap model that doesn't have a safety turn off.  I am not leaving the apartment while this is going on, and the counter is insulated with tiles.  So it should be safe.  Should be.  (After 1 1/2 hours, it is at 104.  I took out the towel between the heating pad and the jar to see if that helps.)

I have almost finished planting.  I have 4 rows left to do of beans and sugar beets, which I will do at my parents' once they have tilled the soil under for me.  The garden out back has three rows left open for transplants.  

 Four trays plus two six packs planted and some have just germinated.
Cucumber seedling and one summer squash getting some sun to harden them off before planting.

Tavie doesn't mind that part of his cage makes a nice table.  He is enjoying his recent shearing in this warm weather!

The garden looks really good right now.  I want the plants that have already come up to be a bit bigger before I go at the weeds.  Half of the garden was just planted and has not yet germinated.

 Lettuce mix
 Green beans
 Sweet onions
 Eggplant, tomatoes, peppers
My beautiful garden space!

I have also been assisting with sheep shearing and fleece sorting and skirting at Kelly Corner Farm.  Jeff Jordan is the best shearer in the state and I learned a lot!

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