Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Sheep, rhubarb, and mud

In case you all have been wondering where I have been and what I am up to, I am now constantly busy!  My time is spent either planting/weeding in the garden (which is mostly mud by the time I get out there in the rain), thinking up creative and tasty ways to use the massive amount of rhubarb I have been getting from my parents, and helping out at a sheep and goat farm!  I don't officially work there, but trade some labor for food and fiber.  Jon and I have also started some ambitious hiking.  Last Saturday, we did Mt. Chocorua.  I wore a hiking skirt, which was amazing, and some very old running shoes, which were terrible.  I slipped down many ledges even with Jon helping me, while skinning my knees and twisting my ankle.  Despite that, and a terrible fear of heights that was tested to the max, it was wonderful!  Now that I have some proper hiking boots, we are doing Mt. Washington for our anniversary =)  I am really looking forward to it.

Most of the seeds that I ordered have come.  Greens and most roots have been planted.  Tomatoes, eggplant, and peppers have been transplanted.  I just put onions in this morning.  I have so many things left to plant!  I have three trays of seeds that are just germinating, one that I planted this morning, and one more still to plant.  I'm really hoping for a long, warm season this year.  Otherwise, I will extend my season as much as possible with row cover.  The garden space that my father is letting me use is all ready to go.  Now I just need to get some batteries for my camera to post pictures!

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