Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day Rhubarb Pie

It is hard to believe that we have only been here thirteen days.  Everything is unpacked, early seeds are planted, and I've gone grocery shopping twice.  Our little fridge (as tall as the counter!) is packed with lots of good things.  I am also back to translating.  Things are good.

As today is Mother's Day, I spent most of the day translating, then I visited my mother!  We went to a local food co-op and she picked out a few treats while I...did some grocery shopping.  Might as well save on gas!  We had lots of fun looking at all of the expensive packed foods and figuring out what some of them were.  Our real shopping came from the bulk section.  My mother was amazed at how little things cost in bulk!  I was able to restock my kitchen with:
a.p. flour
w.w. flour
brown rice
brown turbinado sugar
turtle beans
I also got some really nice looking spinach that was labeled as 'local'.  My mother got some high gluten flour, coffee, and Madagascar vanilla wafers to go with the violet jam that I gave her.  Back at the house, she loaded up my car with glass containers for storing bulk foods better than I have been, a house plant, and some vinegars (a few years ago I made a rosemary vinegar, then forgot about it), and some rhubarb!

I could barely contain my excitement when she said that I could have all that I wanted.  Saying that I love rhubarb does not come close to describing what I feel for the sour stalk of wonderfulness.  While strawberry rhubarb pie is my favorite, strawberries aren't out yet.  So I came home and made a rhubarb pie.  The recipe is from the Better Homes and Gardens New Cook Book- basically a bunch of sliced rhubarb, sugar, flour, nutmeg, and a 9" pastry.  It just came out of the oven and the smell is eye-rollingly good.

It is great to have things back to normal.  I planted four rows in the garden on Friday, bought some tomato, eggplant, and pepper seedlings, and planted three trays of seeds in little paper pots.  I am waiting for the end of the month to plant the rest.  There are two or more shipments of seeds coming to me.  My mother said that I could sell whatever I wanted at their farmstand that they didn't already sell.  The summer better be long and normal!  There are also a TON of wild blueberry and strawberry plants in the woods!

My camera is still without batteries, so I took a few pictures with my webcam again.  Better than nothing!  Here is the new apartment, which I call "Barton Cottage" (the chimney make smoke and the hall may be pokey, but it feels like home).

 Massive kitchen!
 Bathroom storage and view
 Rhubarb pie
 My favorite part
 Living room
Kitchen storage, kitchen table on left
I am happy.

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