Last night, Jon made dinner! After several nights of rather intricate and foreign foods, he said, "I need to show you how to make bachelor food! You get a piece of meat, a vegetable, and that is it." And he did. We had haddock baked in foil, and home fries. The fish was amazing and the potatoes were decent. He even cleared the dishes off the table. It was wonderful!
When I was single, my diet consisted of mac and cheese, pasta-roni, pb+j sandwiches, borscht, bagels, seconds vegetable stir fry, or take out. I did very little baking or cooking, because I was too busy and didn't want to bother for just myself. I baked when I could share with other people. Now that I have someone to feed every day for every meal and my translating comes in bursts, I constantly want to try new things that may or may not take all day in the kitchen. I see my time right now as a valuable asset to learn about food and gardening. Whenever we are blessed with a new addition (keep positive thoughts, we hope it is soon!), I know that I will have much less free time. Of course I will try to keep up with making good food, but it will be much more difficult!
Jon sometimes appreciates my work to make almost everything from scratch. There are times, like a couple nights ago, where he gets really frustrated. I tried to serve yogurt as a substitute for sour cream on vareniki (like pierogi). We went out and bought some sour cream. I did look up how to make it after that, though, and hope to try it as soon as I can get more milk. Other times, I overhear him on the phone, "Come stay! Mary will feed you breakfast. Its great! She makes everything from scratch!"
So why don't I just buy it?
1. I like making things much more difficult than they have to be.
2. I have a lot of free time.
3. Raw milk is free right now.
4. This new hobby is keeping me from going nuts.
5. I can share my adventures and report if anything is worthwhile!
So anytime that Jon wants to help out, I am ecstatic. Otherwise, I will continue to wonder what else I can make myself...
By the way, I love coupons, but they rarely help me anymore. Most of the coupons that I see are for processed foods. There are people out there that spend next to nothing on groceries, and I really respect that! It just doesn't work for me. I would LOVE for there to be more coupons for whole and unprocessed foods!
The thunderstorm last night came in much slower and more powerful than I expected. It struck what seems to be the antenna twice, sending sparks flying out of wires coming out of the wall in the living room. Jon and I were both a couple of feet from this when it happened. There was also small hail! Today, there is a lot of wind. I can see the grass moving like waves in the field across the street. We are supposed to get a frost tomorrow. I love New England.
When I was single, my diet consisted of mac and cheese, pasta-roni, pb+j sandwiches, borscht, bagels, seconds vegetable stir fry, or take out. I did very little baking or cooking, because I was too busy and didn't want to bother for just myself. I baked when I could share with other people. Now that I have someone to feed every day for every meal and my translating comes in bursts, I constantly want to try new things that may or may not take all day in the kitchen. I see my time right now as a valuable asset to learn about food and gardening. Whenever we are blessed with a new addition (keep positive thoughts, we hope it is soon!), I know that I will have much less free time. Of course I will try to keep up with making good food, but it will be much more difficult!
Jon sometimes appreciates my work to make almost everything from scratch. There are times, like a couple nights ago, where he gets really frustrated. I tried to serve yogurt as a substitute for sour cream on vareniki (like pierogi). We went out and bought some sour cream. I did look up how to make it after that, though, and hope to try it as soon as I can get more milk. Other times, I overhear him on the phone, "Come stay! Mary will feed you breakfast. Its great! She makes everything from scratch!"
So why don't I just buy it?
1. I like making things much more difficult than they have to be.
2. I have a lot of free time.
3. Raw milk is free right now.
4. This new hobby is keeping me from going nuts.
5. I can share my adventures and report if anything is worthwhile!
So anytime that Jon wants to help out, I am ecstatic. Otherwise, I will continue to wonder what else I can make myself...
By the way, I love coupons, but they rarely help me anymore. Most of the coupons that I see are for processed foods. There are people out there that spend next to nothing on groceries, and I really respect that! It just doesn't work for me. I would LOVE for there to be more coupons for whole and unprocessed foods!
The thunderstorm last night came in much slower and more powerful than I expected. It struck what seems to be the antenna twice, sending sparks flying out of wires coming out of the wall in the living room. Jon and I were both a couple of feet from this when it happened. There was also small hail! Today, there is a lot of wind. I can see the grass moving like waves in the field across the street. We are supposed to get a frost tomorrow. I love New England.
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