Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Hiking, timber framing, and rain

For our first anniversary, Jon and I decided to hike Mt. Washington.  We didn't quite make it all the way up, because Jon has a tendency to go for the most direct, and somehow also most difficult, trail, and I am also very clumsy and not so good at boulder problems...  I also now hike in a skirt.  The link is to a newer version on the one that I got on sale.  I'm very amused that it is called the 'Chocorua Skirt', and my first hike wearing it was on Mt. Chocorua!

After our hike, we set off for a timber framing event.  You can check out photos of the progress at the link.  I made my first tenon by myself!!!  Positive thoughts for better weather!

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