Thursday, August 18, 2011

Peaches, Vermont, and Unemployment

The good news.  Peaches are wonderfully fun to bake with.

Yugoslavian Peach Cookies,
filled with homemade peach jam.

 They look like peaches!!!
My attempt to beautifully plate my homemade vanilla pudding with peach sauce.

Another piece of good news:  We are thinking of moving to Vermont!  Cheap health care, maternity included (someday...!), cheaper housing, and hopefully stonework for Jon!  Also, it is Not living with our parents-in-law.

The bad news: I stopped working as a nanny for the kids.  Their mom left her job (very good reasons for this), so they don't need me anymore.  I miss them so much!  I knew it would end eventually, though.

Better news: I have been getting quite a lot of translating work recently.  I have pretty much had enough to make it my entire income.  This will really work out when we move, because I have no idea when or where in VT we are going!  Any suggestions out there for good places to live in VT with lots of stone walls?  Jon needs to be able to keep up his work.  I have also had more time to catch up on knitting and baking projects, hence the peach cookies that took me an entire day to make.  I usually go crazy stuck around the house all day, but I am trying to keep myself busy and productive!

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