Last night, we attended the Valentine's Day Dinner at Old Sturbridge Village, a present from Jon's mom. We learned about the history of Chocolate, valentines, and got to eat a nice dinner! I asked the presenter about hearth cooking, and she said the best way to learn was to take a class.
By the way, I plan on using a hearth to cook after we build our timber frame house.
By the way, I plan on using a hearth to cook after we build our timber frame house.
Something like this.
I might actually be a little crazy. But, I have my reasons.
1. I hate central air heating, baseboard heaters, etc. The only source of heat that actually gets me warm is a wood stove or fireplace. We plan on having both of those. I am currently huddled under a shawl (wearing long johns, too!) and freezing.
2. Things baked over a flame or in a brick oven taste better. Instead of going out for those fancy brick oven pizzas, I can make them right at home! Along with bread, pie, cookies, anything else that I could think of. My only limit is that I need to heat that oven with coals for 2 hours, clean it out, and then sweep it with a wet broom before baking. I think of it as an extended 'pre-heat' cycle.
3. Off-grid. And we have access to wood.
4. Turning meat on a spit or string. Practically gourmet!
5. Back to my roots. People have cooked over fire for a long time and I feel like it is a very satisfying way to prepare food.
I do plan on having an electric oven in the kitchen, unless I do take lessons and don't completely stress out about a complete lifestyle change. A part of me, though, really wants to take that leap. We'll see where that goes.
Jon and I met with an electrician this morning. We had spent HOURS on house plans, the model...and there were still things we hadn't thought of. The electrician is going to allow us to work with him to cut some of the labor costs and will give us a good deal, though. I'm not going to think of how expensive it is going to be yet. If I do, then I will throw that idea out the window and start begging Jon to not use electricity at all...which would probably not be a good idea with my love for using the internet/computer related job...
We did pick out our light fixtures. They are handmade and very pretty. Not that much more than Home Depot for cost, either! They are all from Williamsburg Blacksmiths.
Sconces for by bathroom mirrors
Sconces by front door, in hallways
Over kitchen counter and sink
Light fixtures from ceilings
Chandelier by stairs
Chandelier in master bedroom with cathedral ceiling
Outside lights, one by front door, one by back door
I am very excited about these fixtures. Makes all those hours of planning where studs go, figuring out beam sizing, drawing and erasing over and over....somewhat worth it! I plan to keep updating here when we figure more things out. Feedback and ideas are appreciated about any aspect of the house. I would love to hear about feasible ways of keeping to old traditions/styles.
Also, I donated my hair to Locks of Love again. No big deal.
Free haircut with donation at Mane Element Hair Studio in Concord, NH.
And then it snowed, just missing my birthday. This was very unusual, because major snow storms always happened ON my birthday. So much for making solid plans!
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