Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Gluten and hunger

Going gluten free is hard.  Very hard.  I had no idea how much I depended on wheat in my diet.  And I did make a few things that worked out very well, like banana bread and rice-based dishes.  Making baked goods with wheat for Jon led to a lot of temptation, and there were days where there was nothing to eat but a little bread.  At that point, I had to make a decision to go hungry or eat wheat.  If I had more money and time, I would have been able to stick with the diet.  So.  Instead of completely going without, I am making choices.  If I can avoid gluten, then I do, but if I can't, then I shouldn't worry so much about it.  This isn't a diet because of an allergy, it is a choice.

By the way, this is an amazing gf banana bread recipe.

And this is a wonderful egg substitute for when you run out of eggs and still want to bake (I used whole flax seeds).

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