Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Translating spree and emptying the pantry.

Yesterday, I got a large document to translate.  It is technical, complicated, long...and I often wander away to do other things.  Not packing, though.  I've decided that I cannot pack any more until this document gets done.  This may not be the best plan.

I am finding a few things to go to Goodwill in the meantime, though.  If I haven't worn it in a year, my mother did not make it, and it is not formal, it goes in the box.  I get most of my clothes from second hand stores, hand-me-downs, gifts, or I make them.  Besides wedding-related clothes, I went shopping online three times last year for new things- a dress for a wedding, a blazer, and a few clearance items.  I did get some new shoes, though =)  You can never have too many shoes!

We are also slowly eating down our food supply.  This is extremely difficult.  I keep thinking that I need more, we are going to run out!  What will I bake and cook with?!  I have enough to make bread once more, make a giant black bean veggie stew with a ham bone, and maybe if I'm desperate, brown rice with greens.  I am going to have to get pretty creative to only use what I already have.  This reminds me of an episode of Chopped.  Limitations: good enough for Jon to like it, quick enough to finish this document and pack and sleep.  Lunch time grows near...

I am just incredibly excited about this move.  5 days to go!  It will be stressful, and then calm and I can unpack at my own pace.  I have no idea how often Jon will need to commute back to finish up work, or what he will end up doing when he can't go to his old studio and needs to find more jobs.  We will be without internet until I receive our new Virgin Mobile mifi modem (wireless internet anywhere!).  I might just find some started plants and spend all day in the garden.  There is a huge garden area all ready to go, right next to the house!  My father has also offered a garden space at the farm, and I'm thinking of using that for less needy plants/experimentation...sugar beets?  Oats?  Wheat?  Will I be able to get a Level 1 Homestead License to sell baked goods and jam/jelly?  Will I have enough time to devote to all this, go to a farmers' market, keep house, translate, and spend time with Jon?  I am bursting with excitement about the possibilities...
(Area to the right will be my garden at the farm)

The document is calling, and I shouldn't procrastinate any longer.  Dreams of fresh greens, sunshine, and UNpacking are distracting me.  One step at a time.

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