Wednesday, July 2, 2014


A thunderstorm is coming.  I can hear the rumbling in the distance, and of course this is the first time in months that I have the time and energy to write here.  Every day seems like a rush, getting chores done, going to work, building up my new business.  I have an actual business now, White Mountain Fibers.  I've even gone to two farmers markets and have an ebay shop!

At Northampton Farmers Market
(I have a much better black tablecloth now)

I still work at the bakery.  That job is slowly sucking away my baking creativity...I have very little enthusiasm when I come home to come up with new recipes or even make meals.  I won't go into details, but I will say that there is more drama there than at the ice cream shop from last year.

However, I have still managed to feed us and not loose my sanity.  The garden helps.

 Potato and cheese pirogi, before going into the pot of boiling water
 Roasted rooster with vegetables and gravy.  I butchered the rooster myself.
 Paskha and spread for Easter.

 Another spice bread.
 Fiddlehead pizza.
 Fiddlehead, sprout, bok choi, mushroom, and shrimp stir fry.
Applesauce muffins and the first strawberries of the season!

 Today's harvest: peas, dragon's tongue beans, mizuna, brune d'hiver lettuce, strawberries, basil, lovage, and ground cherries
Someone should make this in to a painting for me =)

And because I've been promising pictures of my garden, here they are.  The thunder is getting closer, so I'm off to watch the clouds roll in.  Oh, and we got two more angora rabbits and another guinea pig!

 radishes and bok choi going to seed (I save seed), brune d'hiver lettuce and lettuce mix
 Japanese burdock (for the medicinal root)
 strawberries, yellow beans, and potatoes
 alpine strawberries
 kidney and yin yang dried beans
 carrots and peas, chives in corner not pictured

 loads of heirloom tomatoes
 ground cherries, peppers, hot peppers, eggplant
 basil in the back
 herbs and pansies
 Amish pie pumpkins
 butternut squash
 bloody butcher corn
 sunflowers in the back
 crookneck summer squash
 I planted so many cucumbers I couldn't get them all in the shot
 replanted zucchini just coming up
 garlic, which is taking forever
 dried turtle beans
 onions, which you can't see for the weeds
 tatsoi and yukina savoy, going to seed
 dragon's tongue beans

 slowly setting in a perennial herb garden
 Güzel (handsome, good, in Turkish)
 Jon named the new guinea pig Gary Busey
 Firari on the left (runaway, escapee in Turkish, because he got away once and made a run for it)
 Tavie.  Just shed his coat again, thinks he's still the most handsome

 Quwi has an attitude

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