Thursday, August 30, 2012

Why I Stay At Home

Not many people out there choose to either work from home or stay at home managing the household. Before I was married, I earned a degree in two majors and a minor, and then worked a full-time job and several part-time jobs at the same time. It was hard, but I managed. When I got married and lost my last job as a nanny (their mother chose to stay at home), I decided to stay home, too. It didn't really work. I felt a lot of pressure to find a job. Translating was very slow, and I didn't have much of a garden at that time. I got a part-time job that fall. And for various reasons that made me unhappy and exhausted, I quit. I spent a long time after that at home, and again I felt pressure to find a job to help pay the bills. I'm not sure why. Maybe I felt guilty. I took another part-time, and again it didn't work out.

Today I had a 'long think' about this. I had planned that someday when we had kids that I would stay home and translate on the side. I have an important place in the home. It really is a full-time job to clean, cook, keep the garden, take care of the landlords, as well as helping out at my friend's farm in exchange for food, translating, selling yarn and some veggies, and supporting my husband. What I do makes a difference. I also save money by growing food, trading for food, not commuting, and translating when I can get the work. I am able to be there for Jon when he needs extra help. Why should I give in to the pressure of working 9-5?

I will continue to stay at home. There are so many jobs out there that I could take and not be happy. I could give up baking and buy packaged food again. I could retire my car and start monthly payments on a new one. Or I could appreciate what I have and the difference that I make in our lives by doing what I do best and being happy.

Be happy.

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