When we made the decision not to eat vegetable shortening/canola oil/vegetable oil products, I knew that I had to find an alternative immediately for pie crusts. I tried butter crusts for a while, but they always seems to misbehave and some had the tendency to stick to the bottom of the pie plate.
But we love pie so much. I make several at a time and freeze one for a day that we desperately need pie and I don't feel like moving.
But we love pie so much. I make several at a time and freeze one for a day that we desperately need pie and I don't feel like moving.
(my crust abilities are steadily improving...really...)
The first few times that I used lard, I bought it from the store in the nice box all ready to go. Then I found out about how that lard was made and decided that it was too processed. Now I render my own lard.
All rendered and ready to use!
Using a method similar to here (except I don't bother to grind the lard, just cut it into chunks), I put the lard into my small crock pot and leave it on low for a few hours. Every now and then I stir it. When the lard starts to cook down, I spoon out the liquid fat into a container.
Left is cooled down, right is newly poured.
Almost completely rendered lard.
Rendering lard, snacking on anadama bread.
I bought the lard from work at about 1.00 per pound, and three pounds will result in enough lard to fill one and half yogurt containers. By the way, the best doughnuts we have ever had were fried in lard.
Lard should be used in moderation, but I believe that in combination with a healthy lifestyle and diet, it is a good food that can be enjoyed responsibly. This article by the Washington Post reflects my opinion.
During the recent cold weather and subsequent snow day from work, I made baked beans, anadama bread, and roasted some of my sunflower seeds with sea salt.
I also started to knit this cabled scarf with handspun wool. Very easy pattern. I want to try entrelac knitting soon- my resolution this year is to try new knitting techniques and have more sales!
We are still selling yarn and fiber on ebay, and are now selling some used wood carving tools! Check us out!