Monday, June 17, 2013

Long summer

I keep telling myself, "This is going to be a long summer!" as a joke, and really, it is only June and I am looking forward to the fall.  Part of this is due to the heat, the rest to my summer job.  Scooping ice cream is fine.  I just didn't expect so much drama!

It really isn't that bad, well, except for a few things.  I am just very much looking forward to the end of ice cream season.  Maybe by then I will have saved enough to get a car!

I have planted two gardens again this year, one at my parents', and one behind the apartment.  The larger of the two needs some major weeding....which will get done sometime.  I was able to acquire some seed from a neighbor to make up for Seed Saver's Exchange seed not germinating, and I just found out today that I will be getting some heirloom tomato plants.  Most of my plants are heirloom this year.  Hopefully things turn out well!  I hope to post more about the garden later, but for now, I am exhausted once again and am off to bed.